Traffic facilities and network
Road Transportation
Transport connections of Pardubice city to the higher transport network based on network communications D 11: Prague – Hradec Králové (completed) and R 35: Hradec Králové – Vysoké Mýto – Olomouc (under construction). After completion, both communications will pass around Pardubice in the northern and northeastern sector of the administrative unit. This will contribute to the partial asymmetric city connection.
Basic town communication network is completed by communication I/37 directed to the south. This communication has mainly regional importance, it connects aglomerations Chrudim – Pardubice – Hradec Králové, further it connects southern lines to D1.
In terms of transport composition Pardubice has a specific model. Approximately 61 % of transport is represented by internal transport, 37 % final transport and 2 % transit transportation.
Railway Transportation
Semtin Zone has its own railway infrastructure, which is connected to the public railway network.
The Railway station Pardubice is an important station of national importance. It lies on two parallel corridors, which are being modernized:
Germany – Děčín – Prague – Pardubice – Brno – Austria, Slovakia
Germany – Cheb – Pilsen – Prague – Pardubice – Ostrava – Poland, Slovakia
Direct railway transportation:
- Direct international connections with cities: Warsaw, Moscow, Košice, Žilina, Vienna, Hamburg
- International connection with one change in Prague (100 km from Pardubice): Vienna, Linz, Venice, Roma, Munich, Nuernberg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Dortmund, Dresden, Leipzig, Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, Zurich, Bern, Budapest, Warsaw.
- Direct national connection with the cities: Prague, Děčín, Cheb, Pilsen, Liberec, Hradec Králové, Brno, Přerov, Olomouc, Ostrava. -
Freight railway transportation:
In Pardubice there is a terminal freight services including collection and distribution of goods from house to house. Besides transportation in wagons, there is also a container terminal with the same service.
Air transportation
In Pardubice there is an international airport with a mixed civilian and military traffic for flights IFR and VFR. The airport belongs to 5 mains airports in Czech Republic. It is located approximately 4 km from the centre of the city and 2 km from the station on the route Prague – Vienna with container dock. The airport is situated next to the road Prague – Pardubice, 2 km from the planned river port and 10 km from the planned completion of the motorway D11. The civilian airport in Pardubice is a border crossing airport.
Water transportation
Navigability of the Elbe to Pardubice and construction of a multimodal logistics centre, which includes the port in Pardubice, is the long term investment project. There is an area in Pardubice reserved for the construction of the multimodal logistics centre on the left bank of the Labe between Svitkov and Srnojedy. The area of approximately 102 hectares is divided as follows:
• The public port
• Multimodal logistics centre
• Territory of „winter port“
Public transportation
Public transportation in Pardubice city is being carried out by the transportation company DPMP, a.s. which is fully owned by the city. Urban public transport network consist of 23 lines, 8 of them are trolley lines and 15 bus lines. Some lines lead to the peripheral districts of the city such as: Lány na Důlku, Opočínek, Doubravice, Černá za Bory, Mnětice, Dražkovice and Staré Čivice, and some even outside cadastral area of area of Pardubice city, such as Lázně Bohdaneč, Rybitví, Starý Máteřov, Němčice, Srch, Spojil, Hostovice, Mikulovice and Ostřešany. The trolley line leads to municipalities Lázně Bohdaneč and Rybitví.